MACH Members have each committed to develop a harm reduction action plan as a component of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Harm Reduction funding. These plans will include the following two key components:
- Increasing client access to harm reduction supplies, including Naloxone
- Development of staff capacity to create spaces that feel safe enough for People who use
drugs (PWUD) to access supplies (this may also include the creation of a pathway to primary
care for PWUD who are currently accessing supplies only).
Action plans will be informed by people who use drugs, preferably participants currently
accessing agency services, OR by the MACH Peer Advisory Council. Action Plans will also reflect the 5 year plan that is being developed by MACH.
To begin this work, this Agency Self-Assessment tool was developed by the MACH Peer Advisory Council (PAC) to support agency conversations around where harm reduction practice is at currently, and how to move a healing centered harm reduction practice forward.
Improving harm reduction at your organization
This tool is based on work undertaken by the Manitoba Association of Community Health and has been adapted to a non-clinical setting. Use it to assess where your organization can improve access and harm reduction practices through the creation of an Action Plan informed by People Who Use Drugs (PWUD).